To promote the development of legal science and studies and to watch legislation for the purpose of assisting in the progress of sound legislation;
To safeguard and promote the interest of the legal profession and its members in general and of the members of the Association in particular;
To promote a high professional tone, standard and conduct amongst the members of the legal profession and to check unprofessional practices;
To maintain a library of legal literature and of other subjects likely to be useful to the members of the Association;
To provide a meeting place and sitting a accommodation for the members of the Association particularly for study and discussion of law;
To bring to the notice of the Bar Council, the High Court ,the Supreme Court or the Central or State Government’s matters affecting the legal profession in general and the members of the Association in particular;
To prepare and implement schemes for giving assistance to members of their families in distressed circumstances;
To protect the independence unity and autonomy of the Bar, so provided under the Advocates Act.
To safeguard the rights, privileges and interests of Advocates on its Roll.
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